
现代畜牧科技在陕西的发展现状 被引量:4

Development Status of Modern Animal Husbandry Science and technology in Shaanxi
摘要 现代畜牧科技人性化、智能化、数据化、集成化、安全化的发展趋势不可阻挡,陕西畜牧业现代步伐也明显加速,拥有亚洲自动化水平最高的蛋鸡生产线、大跨度钢结构圈舍突破百万m^2、有机肥加工能力超过200万t、奶牛性控技术推广超20万头、DHI技术累计应用牛群达14万头、TMR饲喂机拥有量超千台、粪污循环利用工艺达国内先进水平、机械化挤奶技术基本普及、牧草收割打捆装备国内先进、成功引进智能化母猪饲喂系统等。同时,也呈现出几个制约畜牧业现代化发展的不协调因素,各个经营主体之间对现代科技的应用不协调,各个产业之间发展不协调,政策支持方向与国家大的政策基调不协调,人才队伍与产业发展之间的不协调。建议从掌握新科技、引进新品种、推广新技术、培养新人才、培育新典型、出台新政策等六个方面加快现代畜牧科在陕西的推广应用力度,为保障畜产品有效供给、确保畜产品质量安全、应对经济全球化挑战、增加养殖业经济效益提供技术支撑,为我省畜牧业持续健康快速发展做出贡献。 The trend of humanization,intelligent,datamation,integration and securityt of modern animal husbandry science and technology development is unstoppable.Modernization of animal husbandry of Shaanxi province is accelerated obviously:with the highest level of automation production line layers in Asia;large span steel structure housing exceed to million square metres;organic fertilizer processing capacity is more than 2 million tons;over 200 thousand dairy cows has been used tehnology of sex control tehnology;about 140 thousand cows were used in DHI;TMR feeding machines are over one thousand;waste recycling technology has reached domestic advanced level;mechanized milking has popularized basically;the equipment for forage grass harvesting and baling have reached the domestic advanced level and introduced intelligent sow feeding system successfully.Meanwhile,there are still some non harmonious factors restricting the development of modern animal husbandry,such as individual operators are not consistent with the application of modern science and technology;Development among different industries is not coordinated;The direction of policy support and the national policy keynote is not coordinated;The disharmony between the talent team and the industrial developmen.In order to ensure the effective supply of animal products,to ensure the quality and safety of animal products,to cope with the challenges of economic globalization,to increase the economic benefits of aquaculture to provide technical support,to make a contribution to the sustained and healthy development of animal husbandry in our province,we put forward some suggestion from the following aspects,including grasping new technology,introducting new varieties,promoting new technologies,training new talent,cultivatiing new models,and introducing new policies etc.to speed up the popularization and application of modern animal husbandry department in Shaanxi'.
出处 《畜牧兽医杂志》 2017年第2期21-24,共4页 Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
关键词 畜牧 科技 陕西 现状 animal husbandry science and technology Shaanxi current situation
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