目的:探讨中青年高血压患者相关知识的知晓程度与服药依从性的关系。方法根据参考文献自行设计调查表并经专家论证,包括一般情况、高血压相关知识知晓情况和服药依从性。结果中青年高血压患者相关知识得分较高的为诊断标准,较低的为自我监测和药物治疗;不同文化程度、职业、收入中青年高血压患者知识知晓程度比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。对诊断标准、症状、主要并发症、好发因素、自我监测、药物治疗知识掌握程度不同的患者其服药依从性比较,差异有统计学意义( P〈0.05);而对干预方法、严重危害知晓程度不同的患者其服药依从性比较,差异无统计学意义( P〉0.05);Logistic回归分析显示,好发因素、主要并发症、药物治疗、自我监测和诊断标准的掌握程度是影响中青年高血压患者服药依从性的因素。结论中青年高血压患者相关知识知晓程度低,服药依从性差,应重点针对文化程度低、收入低的患者进行健康宣教。
Objective To explore the correlation between relevant knowledge status and drug compliance among young and middle-aged patients with hypertension. Methods We designed questionnaires demonstrated by experts in this field about patients′ general information, status of knowledge related to hypertension and medication compliance. Results Concerning mastery of related knowledge, young and middle-aged patients with hypertension got higher scores in diagnostic criteria, and lower scores in self monitoring and drug treatment;it was statistically significant to compare the relevant knowledge status among young and middle-aged patients with hypertension from different educational backgrounds, occupations and income (P〈0.05). Comparison of medication compliance showed statistical significance among patients with different mastery degree of knowledge concerning diagnostic criteria, symptoms, major complications, risk factors, self monitoring and drug therapy (P〈0.05); while comparison of medication compliance showed no statistical significance among patients with different mastery degree of knowledge concerning intervention methods and severe hazard ( P〉0. 05);it was showed in logistic regression analysis that factors influencing their medication compliance included their mastery degree of risk factors, major complications, drug therapy, self monitoring and diagnosis standard. Conclusions The relevant knowledge status and medication compliance of young and middle-aged patients with hypertension is low. Health education should be emphasized to patients with low level of education or with low income.
Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing
Young and middle-aged
Medication compliance