
曲折与前行:新中国前30年古籍整理历程 被引量:1

Twists and Forwards:the Process of Ancient Books Collation in the First Three Decades after the Founding of New China
摘要 新中国前30年(1949—1978)古籍整理事业经历了起步、发展、重创与前行的历程:习仲勋关于成立古籍出版社的批示,是新中国成立后党和国家领导人层面关于古籍整理工作的第一个文件,为新中国古籍整理事业的发展奠定了重要基础;全国古籍整理出版规划小组的建立和古籍整理出版规划的制定,标志着我国古籍整理事业进入一个有领导、有组织、有规划的崭新阶段;北京大学古典文献专业的创办,是20世纪我国古籍整理事业和教育事业的一件大事;以点校本"二十四史"及《清史稿》为代表的一大批成果的出版,说明了新中国古籍整理事业已取得初步繁荣;古籍整理现代范式和标准的确立,开启了古文献学科研究的新篇章;"文革"爆发,使古籍整理事业遭受重创;"四人帮"覆灭,经历了30年曲折前行的中国古籍整理正蓄势待发。 The cause of ancient books collation has experienced the starting, developing, striking and progressing process in the first decades after the founding of New China. Xi Zhongxun's instruction on the establishment of ancient books publishing house is the first document on the collation work of such books proposed by the Party and leadership level after the founding of New China,which laid a solid foundation for the development of the ancient books collation in China. The founding of the na-tional ancient books collation team and publication plan symbolized the cause of China's ancient books collation entered into a new phase where the leadership,organizations and planning and scheming are no absent. The founding of classical literature major in Peking University is a big event among the national ancient books collation and education circle in the 21st century. The publication of "the Twenty - Four Histories" and Qing Dynasty History indicated the initial prosper of the cause. The setting of the standard of ancient books collation kicked off the ne*w chapter of of research on ancient documents. The outbreak of the Cultural Revolution got the cause a severe strike. After the destruction of the " Gang of Four", China’s ancient books collation,which experienced thirty years' twists and turns,is starting to take off.
作者 诸伟奇
出处 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期155-168,共14页 Historical Research In Anhui
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"百年中国古籍整理与古文献学科发展研究(1911-2011)"(11&ZD109)的阶段性成果
关键词 新中国前30年 古籍整理 古文献学 曲折前行 the first three decades after the founding of New China ancient books collation archeography twists and for-words
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