采用大气熔铸工艺制备不同Co含量的Cu-0.2Be-XCo合金(X=0、0.5%、1.0%,质量分数),采用维氏硬度计、金属电导率测试仪及金相显微镜对合金的性能及组织进行测试.结果表明:随着Co含量的增加,铸态Cu-0.2Be-XCo合金的中心等轴晶区域逐渐扩大、粗大柱状晶区域减小,晶粒明显细化;Co的添加提高了铸态合金硬度,但同时降低了导电率,Cu-0.2Be-1.0Co合金的硬度较Cu-0.2Be合金增加23.5%,而导电率降低39.9%.合金经950℃×1 h固溶+460℃不同时间时效后,Cu-0.2Be合金导电率及硬度随时效时间基本不发生变化,Cu-0.2Be-0.5Co合金及Cu-0.2Be-1.0Co合金导电率及硬度在时效初期(0~2 h)急剧升高,中期(2~4 h)缓慢增加,后期(4~8h)趋于稳定.时效态Cu-0.2Be-0.5Co合金的综合性能较佳,经460℃×2 h时效,导电率为57.1%IACS,硬度(HV)为243.
Cu-0.2Be-XCo alloys containing different Co element(X=0, 0.5%, 1.0%, mass fraction) were prepared by atmospheric casting process.And the microstructure and properties were investigated by micro hardness tester, electrical conductivity tester and optical microscopy.The results show that, the microstructure of as-cast Cu-0.2Be-XCo alloy is effectively refined by adding the Co element.The addition of Co element leads to the increase of microhardness and the decrease of electrical conductivity of as-cast Cu-0.2Be-XCo alloy.The microhardness of as-cast Cu-0.2Be-1.0Co alloy is more 23.5% than as-cast Cu-0.2Be alloy.And the electrical conductivity of as-cast Cu-0.2Be-1.0Co alloy is less 39.9% than as-cast Cu-0.2Be alloy.Under the condition of solution-treated at 950℃ for 1 h and aged at 460℃ for different times, the electrical conductivity and microhardness of Cu-0.2Be alloy don't change with aging time, the electrical conductivity and microhardness of Cu-0.2Be-0.5Co alloy and Cu-0.2Be-1.0Co alloy have the same regularity with the change of aging time.They increase sharply in the early aging time(0-2 h), and then they increase slowly in the middle time(2-4 h), andthey tend to be stable in the late time(4-8 h).In the experimental range, after solution-treated at 950℃ for 1 h and aged at 460℃ for different times, the microhardness and electrical conductivity of Cu-0.2Be-0.5Co alloy at aging 2 h has a peak value of 243(HV) and 57.1%IACS.
Nonferrous Metal Materials and Engineering