针对测控与数据传输信道一体化的需求,采用AOS(Advanced Orbiting System,高级在轨系统)空间链路层的等时业务,设计了一种测控数传信道一体化方案,可在上下行信道采用非相干信息帧同时传输测量信息及高速载荷数据。该方案设计了2种工作模式,模式一在上下行信道同时使用AOS传输帧,双向数据传输速率最高3Mbit/s,测距精度优于2m;模式二上行信道使用遥控扩频帧,可进行多站测距,抗多址干扰能力不低于15dB,抗单频干扰能力不低于23dB,下行信道使用AOS传输帧,最高数据传输速率3 Mbit/s,测距精度优于1m。
With the huge demand of integrating ranging and data transmission,new methods for designing an integrated channel are proposed in this paper,using the isochronous service proposed by the Advanced Orbiting System(AOS).Incoherent data frames are used to transmit payload data and ranging information in uplink and downlink,working in two modes.One mode allows high data transmission both in uplink and downlink,with transmission rate up to 3 Mbit/s and ranging precision better than two meters.The other mode allows more than one ranging channel used by multiple ground stations,with anti-interference up to 15 dB in multi-access,up to 23 dB in single carrier.When the uplink works in spread spectrum mode,the ranging precision is better than one meter.
Journal of Spacecraft TT&C Technology