
基于自我决定理论的高职生体育锻炼特征研究 被引量:3

Research on the Characteristics of Higher Vocational Students' Physical Exercise Based on the Self-Determination Theory
摘要 以江苏省宿迁地区150名高职生为研究对象,采用《体育态度量表》对其体育锻炼态度进行分析评估,在此基础上根据自我决定理论(self-determination theory,简称SDT),试图构建高职生SDT模型,探讨高职生体育锻炼的影响因素,以及各因素之间的关系,探寻高职生体育锻炼动机的形成机制、原因及表现,为引导、激发高职生体育锻炼提出相关建议。 This paper,taking 150 higher vocational students in Suqian City,Jiangsu Province as the research object,using"the sports attitude scale"to assess the physical exercise attitude of the situation,based on self determination theory( SDT for short) content,tries to construct high vocational students SDT model,to explore the influence factors of physical exercise in higher vocational students,as well as the relationship between various factors,for the formation of vocational students' physical exercise motivation mechanism,and performance reasons,to guide and stimulate the vocational students physical exercise related suggestions.
作者 仲启丰 ZHONG Qi-feng(Teaching and Research Office of Sports, Suqian Higher Normal School , Suqian, Jiangsu 223800, Chin)
出处 《体育研究与教育》 2017年第1期61-67,共7页 Sports Research and Education
基金 江苏省宿迁市教育科学"十二五"规划2015年度课题(SQ2015GH189)
关键词 自我决定理论 高职生 体育锻炼 self-determination theory higher vocational students physical exercise
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