航空供电系统作为飞机动力系统的重要组成部分,一直发挥着不可替代的作用,现代飞机的主电源大多数采用115 V/400 Hz交流电,其供电品质的好坏会给飞机的飞行安全以及飞机性能带来不可忽视的影响,特别是随着近几年航空技术的快速发展,飞机上大量非线性负载的加装与使用,它们产生的谐波会对飞机电网造成严重的污染,影响飞机的可靠性。而电压畸变是衡量供电品质的一个重要参数,所有非线性负载设备都必须经过电压畸变测试,合格以后才能加装在飞机上。基于D0160E《机栽设备环境条件和试验方法》,设计并研制了电压畸变产生装置,并在此基础上研制了基于USB总线的数据采集系统,通过实际数据测试研究验证电压畸变的产生手段及测试方法的合理性及有效性。
As one of the most important devices in a plane, the main power supply system of an airplane is 115 V, 400 Hz AC voltage. The quality of the power supply has great effects on the flight safety and performance of the aircraft. Especially with a rapid development of the aeronautic technology in recent years, the harmonic waves caused by the in- creasement of the nonlinear loads in the aircraft make the severe distortion of the power supply grid. Adopting AC power supply to replace power supply distortion platform and using the RS232 serial interface to automatically test the distor- tion. Test results show that the power supply distortion test system based on programmable inverter power supply is easy to operate, distortion is under control, measurement data is accurate, and the improvement scheme according with the standard is feasible.
Instrumentation Technology