In this article, we prove the following statement that is true for both unbounded and bounded Vilenkin systems: for any ε∈ (0, 1), there exists a measurable set E C [0, 1) of measure bigger than 1 - s such that for any function f ∈ LI[0, 1), it is possible to find a function g ∈ L^1 [0, 1) coinciding with f on E and the absolute values of non zero Fourier coefficients of g with respect to the Vilenkin system are monotonically decreasing.
In this article, we prove the following statement that is true for both unbounded and bounded Vilenkin systems: for any ε∈ (0, 1), there exists a measurable set E C [0, 1) of measure bigger than 1 - s such that for any function f ∈ LI[0, 1), it is possible to find a function g ∈ L^1 [0, 1) coinciding with f on E and the absolute values of non zero Fourier coefficients of g with respect to the Vilenkin system are monotonically decreasing.
supported by State Committee Science MES RA,in frame of the research project N SCS 13-1A313