

Scale-up culture of Marc-145 cells by using microcarriers in various bioreactors and propagation of PRRSV
摘要 目的确定不同级别生物反应器间Marc-145细胞在微载体上消化放大培养条件,实现Marc-145细胞二级放大后,在生物反应器内增殖猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus,PRRSV)。方法在一级生物反应器(BC-7L型)内,以微载体密度4 g/L培养Marc-145细胞,培养72 h时经灭菌PBS漂洗、胰酶消化后,接种至二级生物反应器(BC-14L型)继续培养,实现反应器间微载体细胞5倍体积增殖培养。以0.05 MOI接种PRRSV(TJM-F92株),接毒后24、36、48、60、72 h分别取上清及全液样品,检测病毒效价(TCID50)。结果 Marc-145细胞经过一级生物反应器培养72 h后,细胞密度达28.7×105个/ml;消化放大后,二级生物反应器培养72 h后,细胞密度达24.9×10~5个/ml。接毒后36 h,样品效价峰值可达108.19 TCID50,上清与全液样品效价差异较小。结论 Marc-145细胞从BC-7L型到BC-14L型不同反应器之间进行放大培养是可行的,为PRRSV活疫苗新型工艺改进及大规模放大生产奠定了基础。 Objective To investigate the condition for scale-up culture of Marc-145 cells by using microcarrires in various bioreactors and propagate porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). Methods Marc145 cells were cultured in primary bioreactor (BC-7L) containing 4 g/L cytodex-1 for 72 h, then sterilized, rinsed, digested with trypsin and inoculated to secondary bioreactor (BC-14L) for propagation of the cells to 5 times of the original volume. PRRSV (TJM-F92 strain) was inoculated at a MOI of 0. 05, and the supernatant and suspension samples were collected 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 h after inoculation and determined for virus titer (TCIDs0). Results Marc-145 cells reached a density of 28. 7 × 105 cells / ml 72 h after culture in primary bioreactor, and 24. 9 × 105 cells / ml 72 h after culture in secondary bioreactor after digestion with trypsin. The virus titer reached a peak value of 108. 19 TCID50 36 h after inocu- lation, which showed no significant difference in supematant and suspension, Conclusion It was feasible to perform a scale-up culture of Marc-145 cells from BC-7L to BC-14L bioreactors, which laid a foundation of optimization of novel production procedure and large-scale production of live PRRSV vaccine.
作者 任飞 冯二凯 尹茉莉 栾杨 程悦宁 张淼 于竞杰 盛程程 程世鹏 陈立志 REN Fei FENG Er-kai YIN Mo-li LUAN Yang CHENG Yue-ning ZHANG Miao YU Jing-jie SHENG Cheng-cheng CHENG Shi-peng CHEN Li-zhi(Jihn TeYan Biological Technology Co., LTD, Changchun 130112, Jilin Province, China)
出处 《中国生物制品学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2017年第3期302-306,共5页 Chinese Journal of Biologicals
基金 吉林省重大科技攻关计划(20150201006NY) 吉林省重点科技攻关计划(20150204073NY)
关键词 生物反应器 微载体 MARC-145细胞 猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒 增殖 Bioreactor Microearrier Marc-145cells Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) Proliferation
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