

A Preliminary Study on the Thought of Talcott Parsons in Higher Education Accountability
摘要 "四功能范式"理论与"一般化象征性媒介"理论是塔尔科特·帕森斯进行高等教育研究的解释框架。专业问责是高等教育问责的主导形式,"认知理性"与"认知复合体"、"专业"与"专业复合体"以及"工具行动主义"与"制度化个体主义",分别为专业问责提供了内在的知识-价值基础、结构化的制度基础与宏观的社会文化基础。专业问责以"价值承诺"流通的形式对大学施加约束,意味着大学"部分自主"的地位,并且与深层的大学信任问题相联系。社会与公众对于大学信任的流失,既刺激了外部问责的扩张,又对专业问责与大学自主提出了挑战。帕森斯关于高等教育问责的思想具有重要的理论价值与现实意义。 Talcott Parsons uses the theory of "The Four-Function Paradigm" and "Generalized Symbolic Medium" as explanatory framework to study higher education. Professional accountability is the dominant form of higher education accountability. "Cognitive Rationality" and "Cognitive CompLex", "Professions" and "Professional Complex", as well as "Instrumental Activism" and "Institutionalized Individualism" provide professional accountability with the intrinsic knowledge-value basis, the structural system foundation and the macroscopic social culture foundation respectively. The circulating of "value-commitments" is the operating mechanism of professional accountability and imposes the constraints on the university, which mean higher education's "partial autonomy" and the deep problems associated with the university trust. The loss of trust in higher education from the society and the public has stimulated the expansion of external accountability, and challenges the professional accountability and university auton education accountability has important theoretical value and pract of modern higher education system. omy. The thought of Talcott Parsons in higher ical significance for the reform and development
作者 柳亮 刘小平
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期33-39,共7页 International and Comparative Education
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学青年课题"美国公立大学问责机制:一项社会学的研究"(课题批准号:CIA140192)的阶段成果
关键词 高等教育问责 专业问责 功能主义分析 大学自主 higher education accountability professional accountability functionalism analysis university autonomy
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