

Supply Side Structural Reform under the Study of Reform of Income Distribution in Our Country——Based on the Stock Market's Housing Game Analysis and Empirical Test
摘要 目前,我国收入分配不平等现象愈来愈严重,渐渐成为阻碍社会和谐发展的主要矛盾。基于初次分配和再分配两个视角的博弈分析和实证检验发现:富人群体因具有信息优势且原始积累较多,与穷人群体获取收益的机会不等,加剧社会贫富差距;在收入初次分配上,工资性收入、财产性收入和转移性收入差距扩大都会使城乡的贫富差距扩大,而经营净收入差距扩大会缩小城乡贫富差距;在收入再分配上,房市财富对贫富差距扩大的效果比股市财富增加要大,而人力资本财富增加有助于缩小贫富差距。因此,在供给侧结构性改革下,加大保障房建设力度,抑制投机性炒房行为;加快中国股市实质性的改革,杜绝股市圈钱现象;继续"反腐"及健全社会保障制度;提高个人收入起征点,从而实现"提低、限高、扩中"政策预期效果,进而构建持续、稳定、健康发展的和谐社会。 At present, China's income distribution inequality becomes more and more serious, becoming a main contradiction hindering the development of the social harmony. Based on the primary distribution and redistribution of revenue game analysis and empirical test two Angle of view, it is found that the rich because of information superiority and more primitive accumulation, and the poor group revenue opportunity inequality, then aggravate the social gap between rich and poor; On the first distribution of income perspective, salary income, income of property income and metastatic gap will make the widening gap between the rich and poor, between urban and rural areas and business net income gap enlargement narrowing urban-rural gap between the rich and the poor;On the perspective of income redistribution, the housing wealth effect of the widening gap between the rich and poor is bigger than the stock market wealth increases, and human capital increase wealth help narrow the gap between rich and poor. Therefore, under the supply side structural reform, intensify the building of affordable housing, to curb speculative speculation; Speeding up the reform of China's stock market is substantial,put an end to the stock market money "circle" phenomenon;Continue to "corruption" and improve the social security system;Raising personal income threshold to achieve "high, low, expansion of" policy the desired effect, and then build a sustainable,stable and healthy development of the harmonious society.
出处 《湖北经济学院学报》 2017年第2期27-34,共8页 Journal of Hubei University of Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(15BJY160) 江苏省互联网金融协会省级项目(2016SHJ08)
关键词 供给侧改革 收入分配 房市股市 博弈 supply side reform income distribution the housing market and stock market game
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