通过对浸水处理和浸水后冷冻处理的文冠果Ⅲ级种子的发芽率、初次发芽时间和出苗率的试验研究,结果表明:(1)浸水处理和浸水后冷冻都可提高文冠果种子的萌发率,浸水处理和浸水后冷冻的种子均在6 d时就初次萌发,第11 d开始种子萌发率快速增加,18 d时浸水处理种子露白总数达到1/3,20 d时浸水后冷冻处理种子露白总数达到1/3,即可进行播种;(2)浸水处理和浸水后冷冻处理都可以显著地提高文冠果种子的出苗率,浸水后冷冻处理在种子出苗的早期,其出苗率显著高于浸水处理的种子,第15 d,浸水后冷冻处理出苗率达到20.7%,而浸水处理的出苗率为14.7%,后期浸水后冷冻处理的出苗率为80%,浸水处理的出苗率为78.7%,未达到显著水平。
Abstract:Through the test on germination rate, initial germination time and emergence rate of third -level seeds of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge with soaking treatment and freezing treatment after soaking, the results show : ( 1 ) Both soaking treatment and freezing treatment after soaking can improve the seeds germination rate of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge, the seeds can germinate for the first time at the 6th day, the seeds germination rate begins to rise at the 11th day, about 1/3 of seeds after soaking can reveal bud at the 18th day, about 1/3 of seeds with freezing treatment after soaking can reveal bud at the 20th day, which can be sown. (2) Both soaking treatment and freezing treatment after soaking can obviously raise the emergency rate of seeds of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge, in the early period of emergency, the emergency rate with freezing treatment after soaking is significantly higher than the one with soaking treatment. At the 15th day, the emergency rate with freezing treatment after soaking reach up to 20. 7% , the one with soaking treatment is 14.7%. In later period, the emergency rate with freezing treatment after soaking is 80% , the one with soaking treatment is 78.7% , which can't reach up to the significant level.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Forestry Science and Technology
Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge
soaking treatment
freezing treatment