
CBL结合PBL教学法在教学医院托管二级医院神经外科教学中的应用 被引量:7

Application of CBL Combined With PBL Teaching Method in Neurosurgery Teaching of Secondary Hospital in Teaching Hospital
摘要 目的探讨以案例为基础的学习(CBL)结合以问题为基础的学习(PBL)教学法在教学医院托管二级医院神经外科教学中的价值。方法西安交通大学第一附属医院托管二级医院神经外科住院医师7人,采用CBL结合PBL教学法进行神经外科教学,考核专业知识,调查住院医师对CBL结合PBL教学法的认可度。结果理论考试:(84.43±6.29)分;对CBL结合PBL教学法的认可度:10分1人,9分3人,8分1人,7分2人。PBL结合CBL教学法对临床工作的帮助程度:10分5人,9分2人。结论 CBL结合PBL教学法应用于教学医院托管二级医院神经外科住院医师的教学,提高了其学习积极性与热情,有利于培养其良好的临床思辨能力,并培养了住院医师自我导向学习的能力。 Objective To investigate the application value of case-based learning(CBL) with problem-based learning(PBL) in neurosurgery teaching of secondary hospital in teaching hospital. Methods in the first affiliated hospital of xi'an jiaotong university, 7 resident neurosurgeons were taught neurosurgery curriculum using CBL combined with PBL. Examinations about professional knowledge of neurosurgery, and surveys on acceptability of CBL combined with PBL were performed after the lecture. Results Exam score:(84.43±6.29). There were 1, 3, 1 and 2 persons for score 10, 9, 8 and 7 respectively according to acceptability of CBL combined with PBL. There were 5 and 2 persons for score 10 and 9 respectively regarding to the helpfulness of this teaching method for resident neurosurgeons' clinical works. Conclusion Neurosurgery resident in secondary hospital in teaching hospital using CBL combined with PBL contributed to encouraging their learning enthusiasm and enthusiasm, improving their clinical reasoning skill, and developing their self-directed lifelong learning ability as well.
出处 《继续医学教育》 2017年第3期43-45,共3页 Continuing Medical Education
关键词 神经外科 以案例为基础的学习 以问题为基础的学习 neurosurgery case-based learning problem-based learning
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