

The Compatibility Terminal Pipeline Time Forecast Based on ARMA Model
摘要 兼容性检测流水线的建立实现了不同种类智能电能终端的兼容性检测,降低了供电公司的经济和人力成本,真是实现了智能终端的检测自动化。然而,在兼容性检测过程中不同待检测终端在不同检测功能单元上的检测时间不尽相同,流水线上智能终端的流转不顺畅往往造成检定系统超载,使得流水线检测中断甚至引发设备故障等不良后果。基于上述分析,本文首先对兼容性检测流水线的检测流程进行了分析;其次,提出了一种基于ARMA模型的兼容性终端检测流水线时间预测模型;最后,通过相关案例验证了所提ARMA模型能够对兼容性检测流水线上的超载时间进行预测,通过准确的时间预测能够针对相关功能单元提前做好改进措施,有助于提高兼容性检测流水线的检测效率。 The different types of power terminals testing are realized by the establishment of the compatibility testing lines, while the power company's resources and labor costs are also reduced, and the automated detection is really achieved. However, the different detected terminal's detection times are different in the process of the compatibility testing, the overload phenomenon are often exiting on compatibility testing lines resulting in the detection interrupt, equipment failures and other negative consequences. Based on the above analysis, firstly the compatibility testing lines' detection flow are analyzed; Secondly, the compatibility terminal time prediction model based on ARMA is proposed; Finally, the proposed model can be used to forecast the compatibility testing lines overload time is verified through the relevant case, the improvements ahead for the automated detection of subsequent intelligent terminal can be given through the accurate prediction time, and can be used to improve the efficiency of detection of compatibility testing lines.
出处 《仪器仪表标准化与计量》 2017年第1期39-42,共4页 Instrument Standardization & Metrology
关键词 兼容性检测 ARMA模型 时间预测 Compatibility Detection ARMA Model Time Prediction
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