俄罗斯森林资源非常丰富 ,约占全球森林资源总量的 2 1%~ 2 2 % ,森林蓄积量达 819亿立方米。森林资源丰富的吉林省要实现林业强省的战略目标 ,必须利用地缘优势 ,加强与俄罗斯在林业领域的合作。目前 ,吉林省对俄林业合作还存在一些问题和制约因素 ,但是 ,只要双方在合作实践中采取合理对策 ,趋利避害 ,就能得到健康、有序的发展。
Russia is very rich in forest resources which account for 21%-22% of the total of the world, with a storage of 81 billion cubic meters. And Jilin province that is also abundant in forest resources must make use of its geographical advantage and lay stress on the cooperation in forest with Russians if Jilin want to realize its strategic object of a strong forest province. Now there are still some problems and restraints in Jilin's forest collaboration with Russia. But so long as both partners adopt reasonable measures in their work, tend towards advantages and avoid disadvatages, their cooperation will certainly develop healthily in order.
Siberian Studies