马克思恩格斯均没有专题探讨民族国家理论,对他们而言,民族只是从属于阶级与政治国家的次要性概念,国家也多是限于政治国家。单一民族国家是合于古典自由主义及其早期资本主义的民族国家类型,超民族国家的实质则是资本帝国主义。对古典自由主义、国家学、历史主义、保守主义以及"文明国家"的批判,表明马克思恩格斯并不认同单一民族国家以及超民族国家的政治建构,对斯密及李斯特等的批判,即蕴含着对单一民族国家观的批判,对"帝国"的批判,即蕴含着对超民族国家批判。依马克思恩格斯的社会化思想,民族不过是一种特殊类型的社会,因而不宜实体化,也不应与国家对立起来。与诸多国民经济学家有意混淆国族(nation)与民族(ethnic)不同,马克思主张将两者明确区分开来,在马克思本人的政治理论中,已经包含着国族建构与族群文化多样性相统一的思想;恩格斯有关国族(nation)与民族(nationality)的区分,则开启了现代政治理论"政治民族"(political nation)与"文化民族"(cultural nation)的区分。在理解马克思恩格斯的民族理论及其国家理论时,需要将阶级分析与人类主体性的历史建构结合起来,因而,第二国际超阶级的民族国家理论,以及种种民粹主义式的民族国家观,都是需要加以批判的。马克思恩格斯超越资本主义,反对民粹主义、无政府主义与激进主义的社会政治构想,实包含着对多民族国家形态的肯定,也是现代中国多民族国家建构的基本资源。
Neither Marx nor Engels has treated nation state as a special topic. As far as they have concerned, nation is a concept that is subordinate to class and political state, and state is always limited to the political state. Single-nation state is the very type that applies to classical liberalism and the nation-state of early capitalism. Super-nation state is empire, essentially. The critique of classical liberalism, state theory, historicism, conservatism as well as civilized state suggests that Marx and Engels are in disagreement with the political construction of the nation state. The critique of Smith and List implies the critique of single-nation state, and that of empire too, that is, the critique of super-nation state. Nation is nothing more than a special type of society, according to Marx and Engels, and neither should be treated as an entity, nor is opposite to the state. Unlike national economists' confusing nation and ethnic intentionally, Marx try to distinguish them clearly. Marx' political theory has contained the unification of construction of nation and the diversity of ethnic groups. Engels' distinguishing nation and nationality has made the distinction between political nation and cultural nation. Class analysis and the historical construction of human subjectivity are essential for understanding their theory on nation and state. Therefore, the nation-state theory of the Second International based on transcending class, and those based on populism, are all to be criticized. Marx and Engels' social political theory, based on transcending capitalism, against populism, anarchism and radicalism, implies affirmation with the idea of multi-nation state, and has becomes a fundamental resource for modern China to construct its muhi-nation state.
ZOU Shi-peng(School of Philosophy, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, Chin)
Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)