
绿色产品诉求对消费者绿色购买意愿的影响研究 被引量:7

Research on the Influence of Marketing Appeals on Consumers' Green Products Purchase Intentions:Self-Benefit or Other-Benefit
摘要 本文旨在探讨绿色产品诉求对消费者绿色购买意愿的影响,以及产品利益关联性、消费者身份凸显和绿色社会规范对上述影响关系的调节作用。通过三个实验,本文发现,在绿色产品利益与消费者本人关联性强(与他人关联性强)的情况下,企业利己诉求(利他诉求)更容易促使消费者进行绿色购买;在消费者凸显个人(集体)身份的情况下,企业利己诉求(利他诉求)更容易促使消费者进行绿色购买:社会规范未包含绿色消费的情况下,企业利己诉求更容易促使消费者进行绿色购买。 This article aims to explore the effect of different marketing appeals on consumers hrough three experiments, we find that when green products are strongly relevant to the benefit of consumers (or others), self- benefit appeal (other-benefit appeal) is more hkely to trigger consumers to purchase green products. We also find that when the individual (collective) identity of self is salient, consumers exhibit more purchase intentions in response to self-benefit appeal (other-benefit appeal). Finally, when social norms do not include green consumptions, self-benefit appeal is more effective than other-benefit appeal, whereas other-benefit appeal performs the same as self-benefit appeal when green consumption is contained in social norms. Our findings reconcile and extend prior research on the efficacy of either appeal type and provide guidance for marketers seeking to promote the consumption of green products.
出处 《消费经济》 北大核心 2017年第1期63-69,共7页 Consumer Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71102009) 国家自然科学基金项目(71472074) 国家自然科学基金项目(71372017)
关键词 绿色消费 绿色产品诉求 绿色产品 社会规范 身份凸显 Green Consumption Benefit Appeals Green Product Social Norms Identity Salience
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