
国际私法国际前沿年度报告(2015—2016年) 被引量:6

Frontiers of Private International Law Abroad-An Annual Survey(2015-2016)
摘要 在过去的2015年7月至2016年6月一年里,欧盟新颁布了婚姻和登记伴侣财产制条例,目前已在18个成员国适用。新通过的《第2015/2421号关于修订小额请求程序条例和支付令程序条例的条例》对2007年的旧条例做了适当修订。新修订的个人数据保护条例正式确认了被遗忘权,并赋予其一定的域外效力。欧盟议会还通过了公文自由流动的新条例。欧盟法院也作出了一些具有典型意义的判例。美国法学会第三次冲突法重述起草工作继续进行。美国联邦最高法院在OBB案中对外国国有企业的豁免权问题作出了具有历史意义的判决。联邦地区法院在一起案件中承认了当事人选择中国法院的管辖权条款,但在另一起案件中,联邦地区法院拒绝承认中国上海法院的一份判决书。在古驰诉中国银行案中,美国法院认为其对中国银行没有一般属人管辖权,但拥有特别属人管辖权。厄瓜多尔法院判决在很多国家寻求执行的努力都告失败。海牙国际私法会议多项立法计划顺利开展,其中判决项目已经出台了草案文本。2005年的《法院选择协议公约》已正式生效。联合国国际贸易法委员会正在起草调解书的国际承认与执行的公约草案。国际统一私法协会也在长期合同等项目上取得了新进展。 From July 2015 to June 2016, the legislation and practice of private international law in various countries continued to make great progress. The new EU Matrimonial Property Regimes regulations have now been applied in 18 Member States. The newly adopted Small Claims Procedure and the Payment Order has made appropriate amendments to the old ordinance of 2007. The newly revised Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data has formally recognized the right to be forgotten and has given it some extraterritorial effect. The European Parliament has also adopted a new regulation on the free flow of official documents. The European Court of Justice has also adjudicated some typical cases. The American Law Society's Third Restatement of Conflict Law Drafting continues. The Supreme Court made a historic decision on the immunity of foreign state-owned enterprises in the OBB case. In one case, the Federal District Court recognized the effect of the parties' jurisdiction clause choosing Chinese courts, but in another case the district court refused to recognize a judgment of the People's Court of Shanghai. In Gucci v. Bank of China, the United States Court held that it had no general personal jurisdiction over the Bank of China, but had special personal jurisdiction. The endeavor to enforce an Ecuadorian court judgment in various countries has failed. The Hague Conference on Private International Law had a number of legislative initiatives in place, including an official draft text on Jurisdiction and Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters. The Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements has entered into force. The UNCITRAL is preparing a draft convention on the international recognition and enforcement of conciliation agreements. UNIDROIT has also made new progress on projects such as long-term contracts.
作者 杜涛
出处 《国际法研究》 2017年第2期89-128,共40页 Chinese Review of International Law
基金 中国国际私法学会专题研究委员会经费资助
关键词 国际私法 发展前沿 年度报告 冲突法 Private International Law, Frontier, Annual Survey, Conflict of Laws
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