

Thetic Phase:A Keyword in Critical Theory
摘要 朱莉娅·克里斯蒂娃的符号学理论,建构于上世纪六七十年代,以建立一种新的符号意指形式为旨归,是法国1968年五月革命的产物,具有很强的政治性意涵。克里斯蒂娃通过将胡塞尔现象学的意义论与弗洛伊德的无意识理论引入符号学研究,来进一步具体化命名的生成过程。作为意义生成的门槛,命名时段联系无意识与意识两大领域,形成的标志是主体的确立以及随之产生的对象的确立。在精神分析学视阈下,命名时段历时地包含了镜像阶段和阉割焦虑两个过程。命名时段对先锋诗歌、精神分析活动、女性主义理论产生广泛的影响,其动态的运作模式体现了互文的阐释方式和价值意识在克里斯蒂娃的理论进路中的贯穿。 Julia Kristeva's semiotics, as the product of the events of 1968 in France, was aimed at constructing a new signifying form in the 1960s and the 1970s, which had strong political implications. In order to further specify the process of naming which is known as thetic phase (French source text: phase thetique), Julia Kristeva creatively introduced the phenomenology of Husserl and the psychoanalysis of Freud into her semiotic theory and considered thetic phase to include two successive stages: mirror stage and castration. Thetic phase, which was regarded as the threshold of significance, connected the conscious with the unconscious, the formation of which was manifested by the establishment of subject and the consequent establishment of object. The concept of thetic phase has greatly influenced avant- garde poetry, psychoanalysis and feminist theory, and its dynamic operation mode reflects the interpretation way and value consciousness of intertextuality (French source text: intertextualite) in Julia Kristeva's theoretical evolution.
作者 张颖 Zhang Ying(lecturer, School of Chinese Literature, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, Chin)
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期93-101,共9页 Foreign Literature
基金 国家社科基金青年项目(16CWW001)
关键词 朱莉娅·克里斯蒂娃 符号学 命名时段 主体 意义生成 Julia Kristeva. semiotics, thetic ohase, subject, significance
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  • 2Probl6mes de linguistiqueg6n6rale, Editions Gallimard, 1966.
  • 3Problems inGeneral Linguistics, University of Miami Press, 1971.
  • 4Benveniste, Emile. "Saussure after Half a Centu ry. " In Lingui: 40,35. Mary Elizabeth Meek, trans. , Problems in Genera! Florida .. University of Miami Press, 1971, 39.
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  • 6Kristeva, Julia. "Intellectual Roots. " In Ross Mitchell Guberman, ed. , Julia Kristeva Interviews. New York.. Columbia University Press, 1996, 15 16.
  • 7Benveniste, Emil.e. "Subjectivity in Language. "In Mary Elizabeth Meek, trans. , Problems in General Lin- guistics. Florida.. University of Miami Press, 1971, 224.
  • 8Benveniste, Emile. "The Nature of Pronouns. " In Mary Elizabeth Meek, trans. , Problems in General Lin- uistics. Florida : University of Miami Press, 1971, 218.
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