目的了解1991-2010年我国蒙古族、回族、维吾尔族、壮族和朝鲜族7~18岁学生肥胖率的变化趋势,为制定少数民族学生肥胖预防干预措施提供依据。方法使用1991-2010年全国学生体质与健康调研资料,分析我国5个少数民族7~18岁学生肥胖率的变化趋势及民族、城乡和性别间的差异。率的检验使用χ~2检验。结果 1991-2010年,我国5个少数民族学生肥胖率增加,肥胖率最高年龄段从13~15岁提前至10~12岁。2010年,朝鲜族、蒙古族学生肥胖率较高(分别为12.72%和7.10%)。除朝鲜族外,4个少数民族城市学生肥胖率高于乡村的城乡差异渐趋明显。1991年女生肥胖率高于男生,2000年后转变为男生肥胖率高于女生。结论目前我国5个少数民族学生肥胖率持续增高,尤其是朝鲜族和蒙古族学生肥胖率较高,需警惕肥胖在少数民族学生中流行。
Objective To examine the trends of obesity prevalence among students aged 7 to 18 years old of 5 ethnic minorities (Mongolian, H ui, Uyghur, Zhuang and Korean) from 1991 to 2010, and help obesity prevention strategy making. Methods Analysis was based on 5 cross-sectional surveys (1991,1995,2000,2005 and 2010) of Chinese National Survey on Student's Constitution and Health. Secular trends were analyzed by x2-test to examine the prevalence between adjacent years. It was also used to examine the ethnic, urban-rural and gender disparities. Results The prevalence of obesity among 5 minorities was increasing continuously during the last 2 decades, as well as the age group of peak obesity prevalence shifted from 13-15 years old to 10-12 years old. Among the 5 minorities,Korean and Mongolian students' prevalence of obesity were higher (12.72% and 7.10% in 2010,respectively) than the others. It was getting more and more obvious among all minorities that the prevalence of obesity of urban students was higher than their rural peers, except Korean. A girl-dominated obesity population (1991) shifting to a boy-dominated obesity population (2010) was observed. Conclusion The prevalence of obesity is continuously increasing in students among the 5 minorities, especially Korean and Mongolian. It should be on alert that obesity become epidemic among the students of ethnic minorities.
Chinese Journal of Child Health Care