

Hardware Trojan Detection Based on DCVSL
摘要 针对硬件木马检测问题,分析了DCVSL(差分串联电压开关逻辑)电路的特性,激活的硬件木马引起DCVSL的输入非互补,电路就会产生一个异常的短路电流.在此基础上提出了基于DCVSL结构的固有特性,利用电路平均短路电流旁路分析的硬件木马检测方法.通过HSIPCE蒙特卡罗分析仿真,以C432标准电路作为测试电路,植入一个微小的硬件木马,仍然检测出了电路中木马的存在,验证了方法的有效性. Aimed at detecting hardware Trojans(HTs),the characteristics of CMOS circuits are analyzed,noncomplementary inputs of DCVSL(Differential Cascade Voltage Switch Logic)caused by the active HT result in abnormal short-circuit current.A hardware Trojan detection method based on inherent feature of DCVSL and average dynamic circuit current is proposed.By HSPICE Mento carlo simulation circuit in which we use a C432 standard circuit with a small hardware Trojan as a test circuit,we detecte the existence of Trojan in the circuit,and verify the validity of the method.
出处 《微电子学与计算机》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期102-105,共4页 Microelectronics & Computer
关键词 硬件木马 旁路分析 差分串联电压开关逻辑 平均短路电流 hardware Trojan side-channel analysis differential cascade voltage switch logic average dynamic circuit
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