

A Key Technology Research of Motion Control and Data Acquisition Sections in the High Temperature Superconducting Maglev Dynamic Measurement System
摘要 由于高温超导磁悬浮动态测控系统的永磁圆盘轨道在高速旋转时会发生沉降,而固定超导块材的夹具在测试过程中位置不变,使超导块材与永磁圆盘轨道的相对距离变大,导致悬浮力的测试产生误差。为了尽量减小这一误差,利用位移传感器采集永磁圆盘轨道相对位置的变化,再根据从位移传感器得到的数据,利用模糊PID控制算法对该系统的垂向步进电机进行闭环反馈控制,使超导块材和永磁圆盘轨道间的相对距离维持在能被接收的范围内。本文给出了高温超导磁悬浮动态测控系统运动控制和数据采集部分的总体设计方案,全面深入地讨论该部分的硬件架构、软件架构和控制算法。 When permanent magnetic disk guideway of high temperature superconducting maglev dynamic measurement system is in a high-speed condition, it will fall off. Meanwhile, the position of fixture of superconductors is changeless during the measurement procedure, which leads to the increase of relative displacement between superconductors and permanent magnetic disk guideway. Consequently, the test result of levitation force produces error. In order to reduce the error, the displacement sensor is used for collecting the relative displacement signals of permanent magnetic disk guideway. On the basis of the collected displacement datum, the vertical step motor is controlled by close-loop feedback control by utilizing the fuzzy PID control algorithm, which keeps the relative displacement between superconductors and permanent magnetic disk guideway in a reasonable range. The manuscript proposes a total design scheme of motion control and data acquisition sections about high temperature superconducting maglev dynamic measurement system. The hardware architecture, software architecture and control algorithm are comprehensively discussed in this manuscript.
出处 《装备制造技术》 2017年第2期1-5,39,共6页 Equipment Manufacturing Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:51307147和51375404) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号2015TPL_Z02和2016TPL_T01)
关键词 高温超导磁悬浮 模糊PID控制 运动控制 数据采集 high temperature superconducting maglev fuzzy PID motion control data acquisition
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