Monalisy棉保暖衬衫面料的开发选用Monalisy纤维与棉混纺比为60:40的14.5 tex混纺纱为经纬纱,选用斜纹组织,制定合理的松络筒、筒纱染色、整经、浆纱、织造以及后整理等生产工序的工艺参数,严格控制各工序生产技术要点。检测结果表明,产品的技术指标合格,保暖率达34%,并具备轻质厚实、抗皱易打理、保暖时尚的特点。
The warm fabric was developed with 14.5 tex 60 : 40 monalisy/cotton blended yams used as warps and wefts. It was designed with twill weaves and the reasonable process flow. The parameters of the processes such as weaving preparation, weaving and finishing were optimized. The warm yarn-dyed fabric for autumn and winter has been successfully developed on the air jet loom. The product passes through the examination, each target is qualified and its warmth retention rate is 34%. This kind of fabric is light and thick with wrinkle resistance and easy maintenance, and also meet the needs of warm fashion.
Tianjin Textile Science & Technology