From the point of view of the etymology of the Chinese language, the "yue(乐)" of "music" is the same as the le (乐) of 'happiness',and sometimes used as "yue(悦)", which shows that the essence of music in its original sense lies in its psychological or emotional characters. Because of it, music has a role of psychological treatment if exploring from the Chinese etymology of yue(乐), which reflected not only in the relationship of the 'music' with 'yao(medicine)'and "yi(doc- tor)' in their etymology, also in the Chinese traditional medical practice. According to the Chinese traditional music idea and Chinese traditional medicine theory and practice, we should pay attention to the following aspects when carrying out music psycho-therapy to make music as the important tool or method to vent or express emotions: in infecting or comfort- ing or waking up the patient's positive emotions by music; in encouraging or inspiring in order to change emotion by mu sic; in carrying out music narrative therapy.
Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition