
E-research环境下面向科研服务的数字信息素养教育研究 被引量:2

Research on Scientific Research Oriented Digital Information Literacy Education under the E-research Environment
摘要 E-research环境下的科研工作,对科研人员的数据有效处理和高效利用能力提出了较高要求。学科馆员利用专业技能对科员人员进行数字信息素养教育,应成为科研服务的一部分。文章在阐述了数字信息素养内涵和分析了E-research环境下学科馆员开展数字信息素养教育的必要性后,援引美国嵌入式学科馆员数字信息素养教育项目,对我国学科馆员针对科研人员开展数字信息素养教育提出可行建议。 The scientific research work has put forward a higher request to the data processing and efficient utilization of scientific search personnel under the E-research environment. It is a part of the scientific research service that the subject librarians should use their professional skills to carry out digital information literacy education. This article expounds the connotation of digital information literacy and analyzes the necessity of carrying out digital information literacy education for librarians under the environment of E-research. Meanwhile, it introduces the project of subject-embedded information literacy education in America, which is a reference for the subject librarian to carry out the digital information literacy education for researchers.
作者 金潞
出处 《图书馆理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期70-74,共5页 Library Theory and Practice
基金 2015年广东省图书馆科研课题"泛在信息环境下图书馆渗透式咨询服务体系构建"(项目编号:GDTK1521)研究成果之一
关键词 E-RESEARCH 学科馆员 科研服务 数字信息素养教育 E-research Subject Librarian Research Service Digital Information Literacy Education
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