目的:对吉林市属5县市3~6岁儿童的听力情况进行调查,并对调查结果进行分析,找出影响儿童听力障碍的因素,以期对开展防治工作提供参考。方法:分别使用Interacoustics听力筛查仪和MADSEN Octavus脑干听觉诱发电位仪对儿童听觉进行初次和再次筛查,掌握吉林市属5县市儿童的听力障碍情况。结果:经初次和再次听力筛查后,总计有36例儿童确诊为听力障碍,占该次筛查儿童总数的0.82%,其中轻度听力障碍4例,中度听力障碍30例,重度听力障碍2例。在已确定的致病原因中,中耳炎为首位,占患儿总数的52.63%。在可疑的致病因素中,母亲服用耳毒性药物和吸毒、儿童出生时窒息或严重缺氧和高烧、家族先天性耳聋史和接触噪音均为高危致病因素。结论:首先需要加强吉林市属5县市的儿童听力障碍的筛查和宣传工作,争取做到早发现治疗。其次需要从多角度出发,尽量降低儿童听力障碍的发病几率,如及时教导儿童正确擦拭和擤鼻涕的方法,喂奶时保持幼儿头部抬高等。
Objective To investigate the hearing situation of preschool children aged 3 ~ 6 in 5 counties of Jilin city, to analyze the results of the investigation, and to find out the influence factors of hearing disorder for providing reference for its control and prevention. Methods Interacoustics hearing screening instrument and MADSEN Octavus brainstem auditory evoked potential instrument were adopted respectively on children's hearing screening for the first and second time, so as to master the situation of hearing impairment among children in 5 counties of Jilin city. Results Totally there were 36 cases(0.82%)of children diagnosed with hearing impairment,including 4 cases of mild hearing impairment, 30 cases of moderate hearing impairment,and 2 cases of severe hearing impairment. Among all the causes of the disease i- dentified ,otitis media ranked the first,whieh was found in 52.63% of the children. Among the suspected etiological fac- tors, the high--risk factors included mothers taking ototoxie drugs and drug abuse, childbirth asphyxia or severe hypox- ia and high fever, family history of congenital deafness and noise exposure. Conclusions Screening and publicity work is to be strengthened among children in these 5 counties of Jilin city for early detection and treatment. Meanwhile, the measures are to be taken for the decrease of the incidence of hearing impairment,such as teaching children how to cor- rectly wipe or blow their nose and teaehing mothers to keep the babies' head up when breastfeeding.
GUO Xi-hua(Department of ENT, The Affiliated Hospital of Jilin Medical College ,Jilin,Jilin 132013 ,China)
Chinese Rural Health Service Administration
Preschool children
Hearing screening
Rural population