
中国农村生活垃圾问题的生成机制与治理研究 被引量:52

A Study on the Formation Mechanism and Governance of Rural Living Refuse in China
摘要 文明的高度如同木桶定律那样,取决于其短板而非长处。作为现代文明的副产品,垃圾问题虽然像梦魇一般纠缠于我们生活的方方面面,却是那块不被关注的短板。伴随着多年经济高速增长,再加上近年来大举推进的以内需为主导的经济发展路线,中国大众消费社会的形成已使这块短板凸显了出来。大量生产、大量消费、大量废弃的模式所产生的生活垃圾,作为现代文明之病已从城市快速渗透到广袤的,拥有庞大人口基数的农村地区。当农民完全被纳入大众消费社会之时,不可持续的社会模式就不可能逆转,也是现代文明崩溃的起点。对于此问题的研究,迄今大都集中在垃圾问题的分类、回收再利用等技术和经济层面的探索上,但散乱的垃圾处理和生活垃圾的日常性取决于农村空间的再造和村民主体意识的重建。因此,文章基于农村地区的调研,从被裹挟于现代化浪潮的村民和村落治理的角度来解读垃圾问题的形成机制和治理困境,在此基础上从以下三个层面探讨一条综合治理的途径,即共助体系的形成。一是发展社会导向的政策与退耕还林模式的公助;二是基于公共性互助纽带的重建;三是通过乡土教育来推动村民的自助和对乡土价值的重新认识。 The civilization degree is similar to Cannikin Law that relies completely on its shortest board. As a by-product of modern civilization, household waste has affected the proceeding of modern civilization heavily, but it is ignored because of its role as the shortest board. In China, as the government is sparing no effort to promote the domestic-led economic strategy after years of rapid economic growth, the shortest board has been highlighted in the era of mass consumption. This means the mode of mass production, mass consumption, and mass abandonment has created a great deal of household waste. Fur- thermore, the waste as a disease of modern civilization has rapidly penetrated from cities to vast and populous rural areas. When farmers are fully integrated into the mass consumer society, it is conceivable that the unsustainable social model will be irreversible, and modern civilization will also begin to collapse. So far, the study of rural household waste has mainly fo- cused on technical and economic aspects, such as waste sorting and recycling techniques. But in fact, the treatment of scattered household waste in rural areas is linked closely with the reconstruction of rural space and villagers' subjective consciousness owing to the problem's ordinariness. Therefore, this study attempts to interpret the formation mechanism and governmental dilemma of the waste problem from the perspective of villagers, who are drawn into the wave of modernization, and the village governance, based on field work in China's rural areas. Subsequently, a comprehensive approach-the forma- tion of co-assisted system for solving the problem was discussed from the following three levels. The first is the making of social-oriented policy and public assistance similar to the model of returning farmland to forest. The second is the reconstruction of mutual aid based on the affection publicity. The third is the promotion of villagers' self-help and recognition of rural value through local education.
作者 李全鹏
出处 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期14-23,共10页 Journal of China Agricultural University;Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金一般项目"中国农村垃圾问题对村民生活结构的影响研究"(课题号为15BSH081)资助的阶段性成果
关键词 农村生活垃圾 治理困境 退耕还林模式 基于私情的公共性 乡土价值 Rural Household Waste Governmental Dilemma Model of Returning Farmland to Forest Publicity Based onAffection Rural Value
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