
如何改进高校毕业生就业统计工作 被引量:5

How to Improve the College Graduates' Employment Statistics
摘要 高校毕业生就业统计工作是能够全面揭示毕业生就业质量和就业市场规律的一项专门性工作,是能够有效促进高校改进人才培养模式和推进大学生求职就业的重要抓手。伴随着高校并轨制改革的推进,1999年教育部首次对各高校就业率进行排名,该举措被认为是就业统计工作的开始。然而,由于高校扩招导致毕业生人数越来越多,就业市场逐渐"饱和"并出现了就业难问题。迫于就业率排名的影响和就业形势的压力,高校毕业生就业数据造假问题不断出现,社会公众对就业统计工作的认可度越来越低。究其原因,主要是就业统计工作自身存在许多亟待解决的问题。一是一次性就业率和年终就业率两个时点难以满足多元化就业方式,动态的就业过程难以用静态的数据反映,就业统计时间本质上就违背就业市场规律。二是就业协议依据和实际就业依据的制度设计本身是科学的,但这些数据的提供需要学生和用人单位的积极参与,由于缺乏对他们的有效约束,很难及时准确的提供就业数据,就业统计方法缺乏客观依据。三是就业统计指标应该随着经济发展方式的转变和就业结构的调整不断完善,这方面的更新不够及时、内容不够丰富,导致就业统计指标不够科学合理。为了真实、客观地反映毕业生的就业状况,必须基于准确、科学的就业统计:一是要构建政府、高校、用人单位、学生和社会第三方多部门协同参与的工作机制,通过上下联动、内外结合,努力构建人人关心统计、人人参与统计、人人监督统计的良好格局。二是要善于借鉴国际成熟的统计经验,就业和失业统计的口径要与国际接轨,就业时间和空间的划分要与国际接轨,合理划分教育部门与人社部门的职责,形成对统计口径的科学界定。三是要根据经济社会的发展和高等教育改革的不断深化,不断细化就业统计指标的内涵,不断丰富就业统计指标的内容,根据统计结果实现对数据统计、形势研判和效果评价的目的分析的同时,积极探寻毕业生就业过程中存在的薄弱环节,为加强和改进毕业生就业工作、提高教育教学质量提供参考。 The employment statistics of college graduates is a specialized task which can fully reveal the employment quality,efficiency and market rules of graduates,and it is also an important reference for improving personnel training and promoting employment.With the combination of system reform,the Ministry of Education started the ranking of university employment rate in1999,which is considered to be the beginning of employment statistics work.However,because of the expansion of college enrollment,the number of graduates is increasing,and the employment market is gradually saturated and caused the employment problem.Under the influence of the employment rate and the pressure of the employment situation,the employment problem of college graduates'employment data is constantly emerging,and the public's recognition of employment statistics is getting lower and lower.The main reason is that there are a lot of problems to be solved.Firstly,employment rate right after graduation and employment rate at the end of the year are difficult to meet the diverse ways of employment,and the employment is difficult to reflect the dynamic process by using static data in that time employment statistics essentially violate employment market rules.Secondly,the employment agreement basis and the actual employment system based on the design itself are scientific.However,the fundamental reason is that these data provide for the needs of students and actively participate in the unit,due to the lack of effective constraints on them.It is difficult to provide timely and accurate employment data.Consequently there is a lack of objective basis for employment statistics method.Thirdly,the employment statistics index should be with the change of the mode of economic growth and employment structure continues to improve.However,this aspect is not updated in a timely manner,and the content is not abundant enough,resulting in the fact that the employment statistics index is not reasonable.In order to reflect the employment situation of graduates objectively and scientifically,the accurate and scientific employment statistics should be adopted.Firstly,a multi-sector collaboration mechanism involving the government,universities,employers,students and society,should be built through the combination of joint efforts,as well as a good pattern popular participation and supervision concerning everyone.Secondly,the mature international statistical experiences should be used,including employment and unemployment statistics,division of the employment of time and space,division of the education sector and the community sector responsibilities.In sum,a scientific definition of statistics should be formed.Thirdly,the economic and social development and reform of higher education should be deepened,whereas the connotation of the statistical indicators of employment statistics index should be refined and the content should be enriched.Moreover,the data statistics,situation and effect should be analyzed and evaluated according to the statistical results.Meanwhile,the weak link in the process of employment should be found out to provide the references for strengthening and improving the work of graduate employment,and the quality of education and teaching.
作者 张宝强
出处 《高教发展与评估》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期17-23,共7页 Higher Education Development and Evaluation
基金 河南工业大学2014年高层次人才项目(2014SBS001) 河南工业大学"优培工程"2015年度立项课程"职业发展教育" 河南工业大学2016年度高教研究项目(2016GJYJXJ06)
关键词 大学生就业 就业统计 就业质量 就业政策 college graduates' employment employment statistics employment quality employment policy
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