目的研究不同水平的蛋白质饮食对大鼠Ⅱ期压疮模型创面愈合的影响。方法将140只大鼠随机分为五组,采用磁铁压迫持续缺血损伤复制大鼠Ⅱ期压疮模型,造模成功后分别给予粗蛋白含量为10%、15%、20%、25%、30%的饮食干预。结果 30%蛋白组因死亡较多(12只死亡)被剔除,20%蛋白组愈合时间最短,15%蛋白组次之,10%蛋白组愈合时间最长,四组均在压疮发生后的前1周愈合最快。结论压疮发生后蛋白供给并非越多越好,应制定个体化蛋白质饮食干预计划,在压疮发生前期肉芽组织增长最快时期补充适量蛋白质对于压疮愈合效果最佳。
Objective To study the effectiveness of diets of different protein to energy ratio on healing stage 2 pressure ulcer in rats. Methods A total of 140 rats were randomized into five groups and fed with five experimental diets supplemented with 10%, 15 %, 20%, 25 %, and 30%protein after development of stage 2 pressure ulcer by external application of magnets via ischemia-reperfu sion. Results The 30% group was excluded for 12 of the rats died. The 20% group had the shortest time-to-healing, followed by the 15% group, whereas the 10% group required the longest time-to-healing. Faster healing was observed in the first week following injury in all 4 groups. Conclusion The increase of protein in diet is not linearly related to pressure ulcer healing, indicating protein level in diet should be individualized. Protein supplementation provided in the phase of granulation tissue formation is rec ommended to accelerate pressure ulcer healing.
Journal of Nursing Science