It is an important problem to be solved for the small and micro businesses financing difficulty and it is still a focus to the current society. The main reason for it is the difficulty to pay back loan. So if we can solve the difficulty of the repayment of debt, as the consequence the problem of financing difficulties are to be solved. The main factors for the small and micro businesses financing difficulty can be summarized as the credit, policy, and policy environment, as the result of building the ternary structure model includ- ing the three aspects according to its repayment difficulties and separating the small and micro enterprises into 8 patterns. If the policy environment can be fixed, then it can be divided into 4 patterns. As the four kinds of patterns of the small and micro enterprise in re- payment situation, repayment ability and the repayment intention are different leading to the discrepancy of the bank financing ability and opportunities. Because the loan is the way to lend money, and reimbursement is the way of money back, the f'lnaning difficulty can be solved if the diversified strategies and policies can be made according to the different patterns of the small and micro enterprises and practice policies accurately to solve the loan-applying tension. The article research has the practical and referential significance in re- search and solving the repayment difficulty.
West China Finance
Policy Environment
Loan-Applying Tension
Financing Difficulty