在并发骨质疏松症的情况下,以骨折为主要临床表现的多发性骨髓瘤(mulitiple myoloma,MM)容易被漏诊。现报告1例72岁男性,因肾病综合征长期使用糖皮质激素后出现严重骨质疏松症,但规律抗骨质疏松过程中反复发生椎体骨折。结合既往多次免疫固定电泳提示IgGκ型单克隆球蛋白(monoclonal protein,M蛋白),骨髓穿刺见克隆性浆细胞,考虑并发MM。本文同时对骨质疏松症及MM的相关文献进行复习。
When coexisted with osteoporosis, mutiple myeloma ( MM ) with the main symptom of fracture was easy to be misdiagnosed. Here we reported a 72-year-old male with severe osteoporosis induced by long term treatment of glucocortieoid hormone, "after he was diagnosed as nephrotic syndrome. However, repeated vertebral fractures occurred on regular antl-osteoporotic treatment. M protein of IgGK was detected previously by immunof/xation electrophoresis for several times, and clonal plasma cells were found in bone malTow, which supported the diagnosis of MM. The literature about osteoporosis and MM was reviewed.
Chinese Journal Of Osteoporosis And Bone Mineral Research