针对济宁二号煤矿选煤厂入料量及性质不稳定、浓缩机溢流浓度过大等问题,采用XRD表征手段和筛分试验对浓缩机入料煤泥水的性质进行了分析,同时在不加药剂情况下,通过自然沉降试验探究影响煤泥水沉降效果的因素与影响程度。试验结果表明:该煤泥水较难沉降,自然沉降很难达到要求;煤泥浓度、水质硬度、细泥含量等是影响其自然沉降的关键因素,其中对煤泥水自然沉降速度的影响程度顺序为煤泥浓度>细泥含量>水质硬度>p H值,对煤泥水上清液浊度的影响的顺序为水质硬度>煤泥浓度>细泥含量>p H值。
The trouble with Jining No. 2 Mine Coal Preparation Plant is that it treats an unstable raw coal feed which varies both in rate and property and the thickener overflow is high in density. An analysis is made in the paper of the property of the thickeners feed slurry through X-ray diffraction and screen analysis. Meanwhile, test is made to determine the factors affecting the natural settling of slurry and the extent of the influence exerted by each of the factors in the absence of any coagulant aid. Test result indicates that: it is very hard for the slurry to undergo natural settling, hence, making it possible to meet expected result in this manner; slurry density, water hardness and content of fine clay are the key factors affecting the free settling of slurry; and the settling rate influencing factors are sequentially slurry density 〉 content of fine clay 〉 water hardness 〉 pH value in terms of their degree of influence while those affecting the turbidity of supernatural are water hardness 〉 slurry density 〉 pH value in order of importance.
Coal Preparation Technology
slurry water
free settling
influencing factor
slurry density
content of fine clay