
新建本科高校转型的困境及突围之道——以贵州工程应用技术学院为例 被引量:1

The Transitional Predicaments and Solutions of Newly Built Colleges and Universities——Taking Guizhou University of Engineering Science as an Example
摘要 推动具备条件的普通本科高校向应用型转变已经成为中国高等教育结构调整的战略选择。立足贵州工程应用技术学院的转型发展实践探索,分析新建本科高校在转型发展中面临转型意识不够深化、转型之基不够坚固、转型供给侧改革不够合理、转型体制机制不够健全等五大困境,提出知行合一、服务地方经济社会发展,强基固本、拓展办学资源空间,内涵发展、激活转型发展张力,特色发展、找准生存发展之路,深化改革、完善转型发展体制机制的五条破解之道,为新建本科高校提供借鉴,全面推进转型发展。 Transforming qualified regular undergraduate institutions to applied colleges and uni-versities has become the choice of Chinese higher education in order to strategically adjust its structure.Through the exploration of Guizhou University of Engineering Science in the transitional period, which in-clude the lack of depth in transformation consciousness, the lack of firmness in transformation basis, the lackof reasonableness in supply side,the unsoundness of transitional system and mechanism, and the lack of sound-ness in transformation system. According to the above status quo, this paper puts forward five solutions basedon the current situation of Firstly, uniting knowledge and action to serve the development of local economy andsociety, secondly, strengthening the foundation and basis to extend the resource space of running university,thirdly, developing connotationto activate the tension of transformation period, fourthly, developing characteris-tically to capturing the road to sustainable development and lastly, deepening the reform to perfect the systemand mechanism of transitional development. The author believes that these strategies will provide guidance fornewly built local colleges and universities to comprehensively promote their transitional development.
出处 《贵州工程应用技术学院学报》 2016年第4期102-108,共7页 Journal of Guizhou University Of Engineering Science
基金 贵州省2015年度社科规划课题"贵州新建本科院校转型发展理论与实践研究" 项目编号:15GZYB13 2014年度教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"高校少数民族应用型人才培养模式综合改革研究" 项目编号:14JZD048
关键词 新建本科高校 转型困境 突围之道 Newly Built Local Colleges and Universities Transitional Predicaments Solutions
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