
日本学术界有关朝鲜开化派金玉均的研究 被引量:1

Research on Kim Ok-gyun of the Korean Progressive Party among Japanese Academia
摘要 日本学术界有关金玉均的研究始于20世纪30~40年代,全面展开则在二战后的50~60年代,至今已经取得了丰硕的研究成果。从研究成果看主要是由专著、论文、翻译国外研究论著及对金玉均遗稿的整理、注释等构成。从所关注的研究主题来看,可归纳为:①对金玉均与"甲申政变"的评价;②检证由金玉均执笔的《甲申日录》内容的真实性;③金玉均与福泽谕吉等日本政治家、民间人士之关系;④金玉均亡命日本;⑤金玉均暗杀事件;⑥金玉均与中国的关系。其中,"金玉均亡命日本"这个主题,是研究中积累最多、内容最为丰富的。而对"金玉均与中国之关系"这一主题的研究,所占比例相对较少。可以说,日本学术界的金玉均研究在取得丰硕研究成果的同时,呈现"日本视角关注金玉均"的倾向,对"金玉均与日本关系"的研究,远远超过了对金玉均自身的研究。而从近代中日韩三国关系这一视角来关注金玉均,以及如何评价金玉均执笔的《甲申日录》的史料价值,尚有待开拓和深化。 Research among Japanese Academia into Kim Ok-gyun began in the twenty-thirties and forties,but it was during the post-war fifties and sixties that it developed extensively producing many fruitful research outcomes to date.The research mainly consists of technical books,theses,translations of foreign research pubUcations and anthologies and commentaries of Kim Ok-gyun's posthumous works.The research themes of greatest interest can be summarized as the following six:(1) Assessment of Kim Ok-gyun and the Gapsin Coup(2) Verification of the credibility of Kim Ok-gyun's Gapsin Diary(3) Kim Ok-gyun's relationships with Japanese politicians and folk like Yukichi Fukuzawa(4) Kim Ok-gyun's asylum in Japan(5) Kim Ok-gyun's assassination(6) the relationship between Kim Ok-gyun and China.While research into Kim Ok-gyun among Japanese academia has obtained fruitful outcomes,it reveals a tendency to research Kim Okgyun from Japan's perspective,and most of the research into the relationship between Kim Ok-gyun and Japan goes far beyond research into Kim Ok-gyun himself and considers Kim Ok-gyun and related research in the context of relations between modern China,Korea and Japan.What is hoped for in particular is further exploitation and deepening of the recognition of the nature of the Gapsin Diary as historical material.
作者 郭海燕
出处 《韩国研究论丛》 CSSCI 2016年第1期128-150,共23页 Chinese Journal of Korean Studies
基金 “平成27年度日本大学理工学部基础科学研究助成金”项目的阶段性成果
关键词 金玉均 朝鲜开化派 朝日关系 Kim Ok-gyun the Korean Progressive Party Joseon-Japan relationship
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