The 29th General Assembly of IASPEI was held at Thessaloniki,Greece,from 18—28 August 1997.The Assembly was attended by 1 050 scientific participants from 62 countries or regions.The State Seismological Bureau of China sent about 20 scientists to the Assebmly. The Assembly organized 46 symposia and workshops,with 716 oral papers and 695 posters presented. The symposia and workshops of the IASPEI General Assembly dealt with extensive problems on studies of seismology and physics of the earth’s interior,including:earthquake prediction;earth’s interior structure and geodynamics;strong ground motion in different tectonic regions;earthquake preparation process:quantitative method and hypothesis testing;structure in the lithosphere,geodynamic process and anisotropy;volcano seismology;earthquake early warning systems;seismic hazard and risk;advanced geoinformation technologies for earthquake hazard and seismic risk assessment;triggered/induced earthquakes;electromagnetic signals related to tectonic processes;long period studies of lithospheric structure and engineering seismology;new approach to the estimation of earthquake size;structure and evolution of the Earth:geophysical observations,laboratory constraints and modeling;earthquake nucleation,dynamic rupture,and its arrest:observations and physical modeling;instrumen tation prospects for the future;educating the public about earthquake hazards and risk etc.
Recent Developments in World Seismology