1.The Chemical Composition of Traditional Chinese Medicines'substance Chinese medicine and its compound is essentially a special,macrocosm drug group,which was made of a different chemical composition of the Chemical mother nucleus.Chinese medicine effective components such as alkaloids,flavonoids,glycosides,etc.,which molecular weight is less than
1.The Chemical Composition of Traditional Chinese Medicines' substance Chinese medicine and tially a special, macrocosm its compound is essen- drug group , which was made of a different chemical composition of the Chemical mother nucleus. Chinese medicine effec- tive components such as alkaloids, flavonoids, glyco- sides, etc., which molecular weight is less than mostly. They constitute the material basis of the Chi- nese medicines. On the other hand, non-medicinal ingredients such as starch, proteins, pectin, tannin 's molecular weight islarge than 50,000. It is be- lieved that they are the main cause of the current Chinese medicine' s disadvantagessuch as large taking dose, poor stability andpoor quality control system, therefore, it requires the "refine "unit opera- tions to remove the non-medicinal ingredients.
Functional Materials Information