
香溪河水生昆虫功能性状及功能多样性空间格局 被引量:12

Spatial distribution patterns of trait composition and functional diversity of aquatic insects in the Xiangxi River system
摘要 近年来,生物多样性研究已从群落物种多样性拓展至功能多样性层面,使用功能性状表征功能组成及功能多样性是当前底栖动物生态学研究的热点之一。物种功能性状对环境变化敏感,对群落和种群沿环境梯度的演替具有许多潜在的指示作用。为了解香溪河水系水生昆虫功能性状空间分布格局及环境因子对功能多样性的影响,于2005年12月及2006年1月、2月对该水系的香溪河、九冲河、高岚河、古夫河4条河流的水生昆虫进行了调查,并对理化指标进行了测定;参考相关文献资料,本研究选择化性、漂移性、游泳能力、吸附能力、形状、个体大小、流态偏好、温度偏好、生活型、营养习性等10个功能性状纳入分析。研究结果发现,香溪河水系共鉴定水生昆虫127种,四节蜉(Baetis sp.)、高翔蜉(Epeorus sp.)、短尾石蝇(Nemoura sp.)为区域优势分类单元,相对丰度分别为38.6%、9.1%、6.7%;4条河流间优势物种组成差异较大。10个功能性状中相对丰度最高的等级性状分别为1世代/a(Volt2)、高漂移率(Drft3)、无游泳能力(Swim1)、无吸附能力(Atch1)、流线型(Shpe1)、小型个体(Size1)、沉积/侵蚀流态兼好型(Rheo2)、广温型(Ther2)、附着型(Habi4)、收集者(Trop1);单因素方差分析及独立样本T检验表明,化性、附着能力、大小、流速偏好、温度偏好、漂移性、生活型、营养习性等性状级别间差异显著,而游泳能力、形状性状等级间无显著差异。对10个功能性状的33个等级性状在4条河流间相对丰度的差异性进行研究,结果发现,Volt1、Drft2、Swim2、Atch1、Atch2、Size3、Rheo1、Ther3、Habi2、Habi3、Trop3、Trop5等12个等级性状相对丰度在4条河流间差异显著。功能性状多样性、树状图功能多样性用来描述4条河流功能多样性,结果表明,功能性状多样性指数均值在古夫河、高岚河、九冲河、香溪河分别为2.8、3.2、6.9和5.4;树状图功能多样性指数均值在分别为4.8、5.7、11.1、8.8。功能冗余度均值在4条河流分别为2.9、3.4、4.6、3.9。运用逐步回归分析功能多样性、功能冗余度与环境参数的关系,结果表明,功能性状多样性指数受总氮、水深影响显著;树状图功能多样性指数受总氮、水深、流速影响显著;功能冗余度指数受硝态氮、溶解氧、二氧化硅影响显著。 Recently, biodiversity research has expanded from community species diversity to functional diversity. The use of species traits to characterize the functional composition of benthic invertebrate communities has become well established in ecological literature. This approach could potentially predict changes of both species and communities along environmental gradients in terms of traits that are sensitive to local environmental changes. With the aim of understanding the influence of environmental factors on the spatial distribution patterns of trait composition and functional diversity of aquatic insects, macroinvertebrates were surveyed at 12 sites along 4 rivers (i.e., Xiangxi, Jiuchong, Gaolan, and Gufu Rivers) in the Xiangxi River system during a period of low flow (from December 2005 to February 2006). Simultaneously, water samples were collected at each site and transported to the laboratory, where the concentrations of 6 parameters (TN, TP, NO2-N, NO3-N, NH4-N, and PO4-P) were determined. Other physical and chemical parameters were measured in the field. Based on published datasets and expert opinion, we compiled information on 10 biological and ecological traits of aquatic insects including vohinism, occurrence in drift, swimming ability, attachment, shape, size at maturity, rheophily, thermal preference, habit, and trophic habit. A total of 127 taxa were collected; Baetis sp., Epeorus sp., Nemoura sp. were the dominant taxa, with relative abundances of 38.6, 9.1, and 6.7% respectively; the dominant taxa compositions were significantly different among the 4 rivers (P 〈0.05). One-way ANOVA and independent samples T test were performed to compare the traits which showed that the proportion of Voltl (univoltine), Drft2 (common occurrence in drift), Swim2 (weak swimming ability), Atchl (none of attachment), Atch2 (some of attachment), Size3 (large size at maturity), Rheol (depositional rheophily only), Ther3 (warm eurythermal), Habi2 (climber), Habi3 (sprawl), Trop3 (herbivore), Trop5 (shredder) were significantly different among the 4 rivers (P 〈0.05 ). Modified functional attribute diversity and functional diversity based on a dendrogram were calculated to characterize functional diversity in the Xiangxi River system, and the results showed that the Jiuchong River had the highest modified functional attribute diversity (6.9) , followed by the Xiangxi (5.4), Gaolan (3.2), and Gufu (2.8) Rivers; functional diversity based on a dendrogram and functional redundancy index also showed the same pattern. One-way ANOVA analysis showed that these 2 functional diversity indices all showed Jiuehong River〉 Xiangxi River 〉 Gaolan, Guru Rivers; and the functional redundancy index showed Jiuchong River ≥ Xiangxi River ≥Gaolan River ≥ Gufn River. Finally, a stepwise regression analysis was conducted to exam the relationship between functional indices and physicochemical parameters. The results showed that modified functional attribute diversity was significantly impacted by total nitrogen, and water depth; whereas functional diversity based on a dendrogram was impacted by total nitrogen, water depth, and flow velocity; and functional redundancy was affected by nitrate-N, dissolved oxygen, and silicon dioxide.
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期1861-1870,共10页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2012ZX07501002-007) 枣庄学院国家自然科学基金预研项目(2014YY03)
关键词 功能性状 功能多样性指数 水生昆虫 香溪河 functional traits functional diversity index aquatic insect Xiangxi River
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