Objective: This paper explores the development characteristics of posttraumatic growth, and the ac- celeration of resiliency in posttraumatic growth among adolescents after Wenchuan Earthquake. Methods: We con- structed our sample which consisted of 46 adolescents who had traumatic experience in the Wenchuan Earthquake u- sing stratified sampling method. We tracked and monitored the psychological well-being of our subjects for approxi- mately two and half years and six months using questionnaires. 9 individuals from the sample were selected based on purposeful sampling according to the longitudinal data and in-depth interviews were conducted for these selected adolescents. The data were collected by semi-structured interviews, organized by Nvivo8. 0 and analyzed using the- matic analysis. Results: Posttraumatic growth contained four dimensions, including new possibility of the emer- gence, positive changes of attitude in interpersonal relationship and in philosophy of life, personal strength except al- truistic behavior and spiritual change. Protective factors of resiliency among the interviewed students showed indi-vidual and gender differences, adolescents with a higher level of resilience had a higher level of posttraumatic growth. Conclusion: The dimensions of posttraumatic growth have unique features. Resilience plays an important role in facilitating individual's posttraumatic growth after the Wenchuan Earthquake. Positive experience in the past and the positive reflection on the event can promote the level of posttraumatic growth.
Chinese Mental Health Journal