
密闭式猪舍多环境因子调控系统设计及调控策略 被引量:27

Control system design and control strategy of multiple environmental factors in confined swine building
摘要 大多数猪舍环境调控是建立在传统控制方法基础上的单一环境变量控制系统,难以对具有多个变量的系统建立精确的数值模型。该文基于模糊控制理论,以温度偏差和温度偏差变化率作为输入量,以通风模式和加热模式为输出控制量建立温度控制器;以相对湿度偏差和氨气浓度偏差为输入量,以通风模式为输出控制量建立通风控制器;并对不同季节多环境因子进行模糊化及逻辑推理,生成不同季节的调控策略及规则,建立2个具有双输入变量的非线性控制系统,加入动态补偿控制,优化猪舍环境调控系统。该文以在美国普渡大学环境研究猪舍监测所得的数据对建立的方法进行了模拟验证。结果表明,舍内温度与设定值最大相对误差为5%,实现了舍内温度稳定控制;舍内相对湿度与设定值最大相对误差为6.3%,充分满足湿度控制要求;猪舍氨气浓度变化范围为2.0~3.7 mg/m^3,远远小于设定值9.1 mg/m^3。因此,该文提出的猪舍多环境因子模糊控制系统及策略,能够很好地满足猪舍环境控制要求,为解决寒冷冬季猪舍温度与通风调控提供可行的思路。 Swine building environment plays an important role on the pig production,and it is a nonlinear,time-varying and delay system with multiple factors coupling with each other.Air temperature,humidity,harmful gases,airflow,light,dust and other factors in such an environment can affect the growth,development,reproduction of pigs.In the confined swine building,the indoor environment quality can deteriorate due to the high breeding density.The indoor air quality can be improved by appropriate ventilation control that supplies fresh air from outdoor and at the same time dissipates heat and moisture,and decreases concentrations of harmful gases.Most of the swine building environmental control systems are only based on a single environmental variable(temperature)using traditional control method.New systems based on multiple environmental variables and using precision mathematical models are needed to improve swine building environment controls.A multi-factor environmental control system with two controllers,based on the fuzzy control theory was established for the confined swine building in this paper.In this control system,a fuzzy controller was the nucleus part.A temperature fuzzy controller and a ventilation fuzzy controller were established with two input and one output variables,respectively,to achieve environmental control.In the air temperature fuzzy controller,air temperature difference and its variation rate were selected as two input variables,and a ventilation mode and a heating mode were chosen as output variables.In the ventilation fuzzy controller,differences of relative humidity and ammonia concentration were selected as input variables,and fan operation mode was selected as an output variable.To meet the requirements in different seasons,the input variables of the two controllers were first processed through fuzzification and fuzzy logic reasoning based on different control strategies and rules.Then the output variables were obtained after defuzzification processing.To solve the coupling problems between temperature and ventilation controls and optimize the control system,a dynamic temperature compensation coefficient was added.The method developed in this paper was validated using the data collected from a swine building.Different ventilation modes were simulated to get the relationship between the changing rates of air temperature,relative humidity,ammonia concentrations with fan operation time.Results showed that the maximum relative error of temperature was 5%compared with the setting value;and the indoor temperature control was achieved.The maximum relative error of relative humidity deviation from the setting value was 6.3%,which met the required relatively humidity control.The NH3 concentrations ranged from 2.0 to 3.7 mg/m3,which were less than the setting value of 9.1 mg/m3.Therefore,the fuzzy control system and strategy with multi-factor in this paper could be used to improve the swine building environmental control.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期163-170,共8页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 黑龙江省青年科学基金项目(QC2013C065 QC2014C078) 黑龙江八一农垦大学校内课题培育资助项目(XZR2015-10)
关键词 温度 环境控制 湿度 调控策略 模糊控制 密闭式猪舍 多环境因子 temperature environmental control humidity control strategy fuzzy control confined swine building multiple environmental factors
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