
竖向压力和剪切速率对小麦直剪强度及剪胀特性的影响 被引量:12

Effects of vertical pressure and shear velocity on direct shear strength and dilatancy properties of wheat
摘要 为了得出粮仓设计中粮堆强度和剪胀特性等关键指标,通过直剪试验研究粮堆剪切破坏面上,在竖向压力50~300 k Pa、剪切速率0.78~2.33 mm/min条件下,小麦粮堆单元体的强度和剪胀特性。结果表明:小麦粮堆单元体剪切分为弹性、塑性变形和籽粒压缩3个阶段。小麦粮堆单元体抗剪强度符合莫尔库伦强度准则,剪切速率从0.78 mm/min增大至2.33 mm/min,咬合应力从7.5 k Pa增大至12.9 k Pa,内摩擦角从38.2°变化为35.0°,剪胀角介于5.1°~4.8°之间。弹性阶段发生剪缩,最大剪缩体变小于0.4%;塑性变形阶段发生剪胀,最大剪胀体变大于最大剪缩体变,竖向压力越大最大剪胀体变越小,剪切速率越大随着压力的增大最大剪胀体变的变化越小。研究结果可用于粮仓内粮堆应力、变形的计算,为粮食仓储结构的设计提供依据。 Grain storage facility is an important infrastructure of guaranteeing food security and concerning people’s livelihood as well.Grain heap in bins will undergo filling and discharging process after a certain period.During the process,change of vertical and horizontal load will lead to generation of shear stress and slip band in heap,which then acts on grain bin wall,and will finally influence the stability of bin structure.Therefore,shear strength and dilatancy properties of wheat grain heap are important indicators in design of grain bins.A series of researches were conducted with Henan wheat(variety is Zhengmai 113)through direct shear tests on the strength and dilatancy characteristics under different vertical pressure and shear rate.According to grain heap parameters in bins,vertical pressure was set at 6 levels:50,100,150,200,250 and 300 kPa;shear rate was set at 3 levels:0.78,1.55 and 2.33 mm/min.Direct shear test terminated at displacement-diameter ratio of about 0.2,and in the process,shear area decreased by 14%.By revising shear area,the research tried to improve the veracity of shear stress result.Research results revealed that,according to the relation between shear stress and shear displacement,volumetric strain and shear displacement,the shear deformation of wheat grain bulk could be divided into 3 stages:elastic stage,plastic deformation stage and kernel compression stage.In elastic stage,shear stress and shear displacement were small;grain skeleton was in elastic state,and with grain skeleton contracting,grain volume contracted as well;the relationship between shear stress and shear displacement was linear.In plastic deformation stage,large plastic deformation was generated in grain skeleton,and the relation between shear stress and shear displacement was nonlinear;as shear stress increased,huge plastic deformation occurred in grain skeleton,and grain was upraised on shear band,which thus led to the volume expansion.In kernel compression stage,grain kernel was compressed and volume contracted to a certain extent,and as the shear displacement rose,shear strength kept stable or decreased slightly.Wheat heap shear strength included 2 components:dilatancy and frication.Shear strength of wheat grain stack accorded with the Mohr-Coulomb strength principle.Results showed that shear rate influenced interlock stress,and as shear rate increased from 0.78 to 2.33 mm/min,interlock stress increased from 7.5 to 12.9 kPa,and internal friction angle varied from 38.2° to 35.0°,and dilatancy angle ranged from 5.1° to 4.8°.Volume of grain heap contracted in elastic stage,and the maximum contracted volumetric strain was less than 0.4%.Volume of grain heap dilated in plastic deformation stage,and the maximum dilated volumetric strain was generally greater than the maximum contracted volumetric strain.In plastic deformation stage,the maximum dilated volumetric strain decreased with the increase of vertical pressure,and the maximum volumetric strain rate decreased with the increase of the shear rate.This study provides a scientific basis for stress and strain calculation of grain heap and grain bin design.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期275-280,共6页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51408197) 河南省科技攻关项目(162102210188) 河南省属高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2015RCJH16)
关键词 粮食 剪切试验 剪切强度 小麦粮堆 剪胀 grain shear test shear strength wheat heap dilatancy
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