PM2. 5 concentrations sequence for many years can be used to temporal and spatial evolution charac- teristic of regional air pollution. Due to the short data of the existing PM2. 5 concentrations, it is necessary to con- struct a PM2.5 concentration model. Taking the example of Hebei province, it was selected six cities with different air pollution levels ( Xingtai, Baoding, Chengde, Zhangjiakou, Tangshan and Qin hangdao) to construct the mod- els of PMz.5 concentration. Using the observation data of PM2.5, PM10 and gaseous pollutants from 2013 to 2016, it was analyzed the correlation between PM2.5, PM10 and gaseous pollutants. There was notable positive correlation ex- isting in PMI0, NO2, SO2 and CO, and negative correlation in 03. It was constructed the models of PM2.5 concen- trations in different cities based on PM10 and gaseous pollutants by using the stepwise regression analysis method. There was a high correlation of PM2. 5 concentration between the predicted value and the measured value which the average deviation was better than 3. 5μg/mIn3. Indeed, the PM2.5 concentration model is in agreement with its observed values.
Journal of Catastrophology