王安石词作不多且良莠参差 ,但其词作无论就涉及题材的丰富性及创作风貌的独特性 ,特别是禅语词所占比重之多来说 ,在王氏以前并不多见。王安石填词是他词学观点的具体实践。王安石主张回复“诗言志、歌永言、声依永”的创作道路 ,是东坡以诗为词的前奏。王安石的词学观点是建立于其诗文化创作心理基础之上的 。
Wang Anshi's was small in quantity and different in quality.His Ci,predominantly dhyana ci,had unique features of topic varieties and writing styles.Wang's Ci was the concrete practice of his viewpoint of Ci. Wang Anshi insisted that Ci shoud return to the writing way of 'A poem speaks out one's mind;a song chants what to be said;a tone accords with chanting'.His Ci was the prelude of Su Dongpo's idea :'composing Ci as poems' .Wang's viewpoint of Ci was based on his poetic and cultural psychology.That was why Wang had evoluted a poetie style of Ci.
Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College