传统琵琶乐曲在整个琵琶音乐中占有重要的位置 ,对于《十面埋伏》、《阳春白雪》这类经典乐曲 ,人们通常会更重视研究其演奏技法和流派风格的传承 ,而较少涉及乐曲定弦的研究。传统琵琶乐曲的定弦种类大致有三种 ,其中以D调数量为最多。传统琵琶乐曲的定弦暗示了乐曲的和声语言及其音响特征 。
The traditional pipa music plays an important role in the pipa music. In this kind of traditional music,people emphasize and study the playing techniques and the passing on of styles of different schools of such classics,as the compositions'Ambuscade from All sides' and 'Spring Snow', But they pay little attention to the study of the tunes of the traditional pipa music. There are three kinds of pipa tunes. The largest quantity of the tunes is'D'. The tunes of the traditional pipa music suggust the harmonious language of the traditional pipa music and its acoustic nature,playing an important role in the expression of the conten of a pipa music composition.
Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College