
论斯蒂芬·杰·古尔德科学散文代表作的生态意蕴 被引量:1

On the Ecological Concepts in Stephen Jay Gould's Representative Science Writing
摘要 斯蒂芬·杰·古尔德是美国著名的科学散文作家,其5部有代表性的科学散文集中蕴涵着明显的生态意识,堪称优秀的生态散文作品。古尔德通过捍卫达尔文进化论和澄清人们对相关概念的误解,消解形形色色的人类中心论,倡导人类与自然万物共存共荣;他揭露人类由于贪婪和无知导致物种灭绝的行径,批判生物灭绝不可避免论,提倡生态环境保护;他谴责利用伪科学和滥用科学鼓吹男性中心论、白人中心论、西方中心论等形式的中心论,力倡生态社会观和生态科技观。这对我国当下的生态文学创作和生态文明建设具有重要启示意义。 Stephen Jay Gould is a famous American science writer, and his five collections of essays in science may be rated as excellent works of ecological literary non-fiction, for they embody evident ecological consciousness. By defending Darwin' s theory of evolution and rectifying the misunderstandings of related con- cepts, Gould decomposes all brands of anthropocentrism and advocates the coexistence of human and non-hu- man beings. He advocates the protection of physical environment by exposing the extinctions of certain species caused by humans' greed and ignorance and by criticizing the viewpoint that the extinction of species is inevi- table. Condemning the preaching of such standpoints as male centrism, the white centrism and the west ten- trism by utilizing pseudo-science or abusing science, he ecological views of science and technology. Those have vehemently argues for ecological social concepts and significant implications to China' s current efforts in the creation of ecological literature and in the promotion of ecological progress.
作者 张建国
出处 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2017年第2期41-46,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目"美国当代科学散文的生态批评"(13BWW046)
关键词 斯蒂芬·杰·古尔德 科学散文 生态意蕴 Stephen Jay Gould science writing ecological concepts
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