
“三纲五常”新解及其管理智慧 被引量:2

A New Interpretation of “the Three Cardinal Guiding Principles and Five Constant Virtues” and Its Management Wisdom
摘要 "三纲五常"是传统儒家思想的重要组成部分。三纲是处理君臣、父子、夫妻之间等主次关系的重要规范,而五常作为世间人与人相处的价值取向是亘古永存的真理与法则。在不同时期,"三纲五常"有不同的寓意与规则。当今,"三纲"是建立在民主与法制基础上的新三纲。父母与子女、丈夫与妻子、领导与属下之间是以人格平等为基础,以相互尊敬为前提,以责权利为原则,以学习沟通为途径,自觉履行双方的义务与权利。"五常"是"三纲"的基础,其中"仁"就是仁善,也是天地赋予人的良善本性,"仁"是"五常"的核心,以"仁"为基因,就能生发出"义礼智信",从而实现"仁→礼→信→义→智→仁"的良性循环。挖掘"三纲五常"的新内涵与新思想,有利于人民更好地笃行伦常,提高道德素质,促进我国亿万家庭社会的和谐,有助于企业经营管理者产生具有中华民族特色的管理智慧,真正从心性之源头创建管理模式、提升管理水平。 "The three cardinal guiding principles and five constant virtues" is the important component of traditional Confucianism. The three cardinal guiding principles are the important principles handling the relationships between emperor and subject, father and son, and husband and wife, and the five constant virtues (benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and good faith), as the value orientation of handling human relationships, are the everlasting truth and principles. However, in different era, the connotations and principles of "the three cardinal guiding principles and the five constant virtues" are different. In modern times, the three cardinal guiding principles are the ones with new connotations based on democracy and legal system. The relationships between parents and children, husband and wife, leader and subordinate should be developed, taking personality equality as the basis, mutual respect as prerequisite, nobility, rights and interests as principles, learning and communication as the approach, and both sides should carry out their own obligations and rights. The foundation of the three cardinal guiding principles is the five constant virtues, of which benevolence, the endowed good human nature, is the core, which can bring about the good cycling of benevolence, propriety, good faith, righteousness, wisdom, and benevolence. Developing the new connotations and thoughts is not only beneficial to people's sincerely carrying out ethics and improving their own moral quality so as to promote the social harmony of hundreds of millions of families in china, but also inspiring the business managers' management wisdom with Chinese characteristics, thus setting up management mode and increasing the management level from the origin of human nature.
作者 苗泽华
出处 《衡水学院学报》 2017年第2期44-50,共7页 Journal of Hengshui University
基金 中国高等教育学会教育科学研究规划课题(06AIJ0240040)
关键词 三纲五常 全球化 企业管理 智慧 the three cardinal guiding principles and the five constant virtues globalization business management wisdom
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