
附加非线性振子的双稳态电磁式振动能量捕获器动力学特性研究 被引量:3

Dynamics Research of Bistable Electrom agnetic Energy Harvesters With Auxiliary Nonlinear Oscillators
摘要 随着微机电科技的进步,利用环境振动进行系统自供电已经成为目前非线性动力学研究的热点.将质量-弹簧-阻尼系统与双稳态振动能量捕获系统相结合,提出了附加非线性振子的双稳态电磁式振动能量捕获器,建立系统的力学模型及控制方程.通过数值仿真研究了简谐激励下质量比和调频比发生变化时附加非线性振子的双稳态电磁式振动能量捕获器的动力学响应.通过与附加线性振子双稳态系统的对比,获得了上述参数对附加非线性振子的双稳态电磁式振动能量捕获器发生大幅运动的影响规律,显示出附加非线性振子的双稳态电磁式振动能量捕获器的优越性,并获得了附加非线性振子的双稳态电磁式振动能量捕获器发生连续大幅混沌运动的最优参数配合.上述研究结果为双稳态电磁式振动能量捕获系统的相关研究提供了理论基础. With the progress of the micro-electromechanical technology,the systems self-powered by ambient vibration have become a focus in nonlinear dynamics. The concept of bistable electromagnetic vibration energy harvesters with auxiliary nonlinear oscillators was proposed through combination of a massspring-damper system with a bistable vibration energy harvester,and the mechanical model and control equations for this system were established,the dynamic responses of the bistable electromagnetic vibration energy harvester with a nonlinear oscillator under harmonic excitation were investigated with the parametrical changes of the mass ratio and the tuning ratio through numerical simulation. Then,in comparison with that on the bistable system with an auxiliary linear oscillator,the influence rule of the above changing parameters on the bistable electromagnetic vibration energy harvester with an auxiliary nonlinear oscillator,which would get into chaotic movement,was obtained,and the superiority of the one with an auxiliary nonlinear oscillator was demonstrated. Moreover,the optimal parameters for the bistable electromagnetic vibration energy harvester with an auxiliary nonlinear oscillator in continuous large-amplitude chaotic motion were given. These above results provide a theoretical basis for the research of bistable electromagnetic vibration energy harvesters.
出处 《应用数学和力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期432-446,共15页 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金(11572243)~~
关键词 双稳态电磁式振动能量捕获器 简谐激励 附加非线性振子 大幅运动 最佳参数 bistable electromagnetic vibration energy harvester harmonic excitation auxiliary nonlinear oscillator large-amplitude motion optimal parameter
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