
中美日欧医药用途发明专利审查制度对比分析 被引量:1

Analysis of the patent examination systems of pharmaceutical use invention in China,United States,Japan and European
摘要 本文对比了中美日欧医药用途发明的专利审查制度,并结合现行中国专利审查指南的相关规定,以及司法审判的典型案例,提出了在制药用途权利要求的新颖性评判中如何考虑用药特征的审查建议,以期为我国制定合理的制药用途权利要求新颖性评判规则和加强医药用途发明的专利保护拓展思路。 Here we compared the patent examination systems of pharmaceutical use invention in China,United States,Japan and European. Combined with China's patent examination guide,and representative judicial cases,we put forward proposal of how to consider the characteristics of medicinal use in novelty examination of pharmaceutical preparation use claims,and put forward the feasible novelty judge method. The suggestions in this paper may help to developing reasonable novelty examination standard for pharmaceutical preparation use claims and enhance the protection of pharmaceutical use inventions.
出处 《中国新药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第7期737-741,共5页 Chinese Journal of New Drugs
关键词 医药用途发明 专利审查 司法审判 制药用途 新颖性 用药特征 pharmaceutical use invention patent examination judicial pharmaceutical preparation use novelty characteristics of medicinal use
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