The self-understanding of nineteenth century western sprat is mainly Dasea on me heroic image of the Titan Prometheus. This essay generalizes a dialectic research approach from the mythological studies of the Prometheus Myth by Schelling, Heine and Karl Marx respectively. Schelling's dialectics of "the anti-holy becoming holy" leads to the binary schizophrenia between Prometheus' creation of the individual citizen and Heracles' aestheti- cally creative genius. Through the poetics of irony--the antithesis research of dialectics, Heine revealed the internal causes to the failure of the enlightenment: as an individual aes- thetical creator, the enlightener is injured by the individual citizen who is enlight- ened. Blumenberg examined Karl Marx's dialectics of "capitalist needs", and revealed the truth that the accumulation pattern of capitalism oppressed human nature. Therefore, we should develop the theory of collective divine value by way of labor, and criticize and sublate the theories of private capital.
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences