

Effects of operation conditions on the performance of a planar SOFC
摘要 考察了氢气流速、操作温度对Ni-YSZ阳极支撑SDC电解质平板式中温固体氧化物燃料电池电学性能的影响。结果表明,氢气流速显著影响着单电池的电学性能,单电池的最大电流密度随着氢气流速的增大而增大,当氢气流速到达一定值时,最大电流密度随氢气流速的增大不再变化,氢气流速存在一个阈值。在中温范围内,单电池的最大功率密度随着温度的升高而增大,较低温时的欧姆极化及较高温时的浓差极化影响单电池的输出性能。 Effects of hydrogen flow rate and operation temperature on the electrical properties of Ni-YSZ anode-supported SDC electrolyte planar IT-SOFC were investigated.The results showed that hydrogen flow rate influences the electrical properties of SOFC remarkably.The maximum current density increases with the increasing of hydrogen flow rate.When hydrogen flow rate reaches a value,which is called the threshold value,the maximum current density does not change with the increasing of hydrogen flow rate.Within the intermediate temperature,the maximum power density increases with the increasing of temperature.The ohmic polarization in lower temperature and the concentration polarization in higher temperature influences the output performance of SOFC.
出处 《功能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第S4期625-627,共3页 Journal of Functional Materials
基金 南昌航空大学博士启动基金资助项目(EA201001197)
关键词 固体氧化物燃料电池 操作条件 氢气流速 SOFC operation condition hydrogen flow rate
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