
机器人航天员双臂操作仿真系统的研究与实现 被引量:2

Research and Realization of Integrated Simulation System for Robonaut Dual-arm Manipulation
摘要 针对机器人航天员复杂操作场景下的任务规划和仿真验证问题,基于仿真模块集成化的设计思想,集成通信模块、任务调度管理模块、路径规划模块、力控制模块、碰撞检测模块、双臂3D几何模型,通过OSG建立了实体模型及仿真场景,并建立插拔、抓握、对准、旋拧、搬运、转移等典型操作库,实现了机器人航天员双臂多种复杂操作任务的仿真。最后,通过机器人航天员搬运物体任务仿真实现双臂协调操作任务规划的仿真,验证了该系统的有效性和任务规划验证的合理性。 An integrated simulation system for dual-arm robonaut was developed in the paper to deal with the mission planning and validation problems in the complicated scenarios. Based on the modu-lar design concept, the simulation system was composed of the communication module, task schedu-ling management module, path planning module, dynamic control module, 3D geometric model and collision detection module. The simulation scenarios were created by OSG (Open Scene Graph). Then, the missions of the dual-arm manipulator were divided into a series of basic movements such as the plug, grasp, screw, transport, and the simulation of the complicated mission was realized by using the special combination of the basic movements. Finally, the algorithms of coordinated dual-arm robot was verified by the mission of transporting objects. The results demonstrated the effective-ness of the system and verified the feasibility of mission planning.
出处 《载人航天》 CSCD 2017年第2期150-155,共6页 Manned Spaceflight
基金 国家自然科学基金(61573058)
关键词 双臂机器人 路径规划 碰撞检测 一体化仿真 dual-arm robot path planning collision detection integrated simulation
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